Magic Cottage


What secrets does the mysterious elixir hold within the glass bottle? A towering stack of voluminous grimoires, bound in heavy covers, supports an ancient chandelier, its flame now extinguished, casting an enigmatic shadow over the wondrous magical artifacts and incantation recipes that repose within chests and upon the tabletop.

— Name : Magic Cottage
— SKU:B032
— Recommended Age: Over 14
— Assembly Time: 5-7 hours
— Finish Size:9x9x12cm
— Weight:0.45 KG
— Include LED Light and Dust Cover
— Detailed colored instructions in English.

Availability: 15 in stock

💐 Tips 💐

  • Glue and batteries are NOT included because they are not permitted to ship by air transportation, so please prepare them yourself. You can choose silicone liquid glue and 2-3 pcs of button cell batteries.
  • The  MINIATURE KIT which need to DIY, Grinding, bonding, assembly, modelling to finish building your own kit.
  • If you have any questions, please contact PockSoul  , we will try our best to help you.

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In the heart of an enchanting chamber, a glass vial contains an elixir of enigma, its contents shimmering with arcane potential. A fortress of ancient tomes, bound in leather and etched with symbols of power, rises to the ceiling, supporting a chandelier long since devoid of flame. Yet, its presence looms over the trove of mystical artifacts and alchemical scrolls that lay strewn across the surfaces, each one a testament to forgotten lore and potent magic.

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